Lost Wages
If you are in a lot of pain and you’re missing work because of it, you are likely going to experience a loss of wages. If you’re in too much pain then there is also a chance that you are not capable of thinking clearly. You might even be trying to figure out how you’ll pay for everything while you are unable to work. This can add to your level of anxiety. However, if you are losing wages due to a work-related illness or injury then its time you give us a call at Robert Ozeran Compensation Attorney.
Lost Wages Benefits If you experience lost wages due to a work-related incident then you are entitled to file one of two types of claims, temporary disability claim or a permanent disability claim. Employees who experience a loss of income due to an injury and they are no longer capable of working their regular jobs while they are recovering, they are entitled to temporary disability benefits. When the employee is unable to work this is called temporary total disability. Then there is also a temporary partial disability. This is when an employee can work but they can't work a full schedule. Permanent Disability Benefits Most of the time employees recover from an injury or illness that they experience on the job. However, there are some rare instances when they suffer such severe injuries that they are unable to recover. This is when they are awarded permanent disability due to reduced wages. There is no hope of their condition improving. However, they can’t make this call themselves, a doctor has to make this determination. They are also the ones who will give them a permanent disability rating. When they receive benefits they are either total disability or partial disability, awarded for the rest of his or her life. Make the Right Move If you are losing wages every day and are not doing anything because you just don’t know what to do, give us a call at Robert Ozeran Compensation Attorney where we’ll help you make the right move. No one wants to make a wrong step, especially when they need money. We’ll consult with you about your lost wages to determine which type of claim you should file and the one that we are certain to win. Our attorneys have years of experience, which is why they know how to make the right moves. We Play To Win! We won’t accept a case that we don't think we'll win because, at Robert Ozeran Compensation Attorney, we play to win. You shouldn’t be sick or dealing with pain and injury and still worrying about how your bills will be paid. Let us worry about this for you while you just get better. If you’re in it to win it then make sure you give us a call and let us go to work for you. We’ll provide you with the best representation possible and get you the benefits you deserve. We get results! |